The 6th Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum: A convergence of minds and innovation

Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC) hosted their 6th Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum (CamIDF) on March 26-27, 2024, at Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT). This prestigious event brought together a diverse group of experts, enthusiasts, and visionaries to discuss pressing issues and explore the digital landscape of Cambodia and beyond.

Group Photo on Day 1 at the 6th Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum

Day 1: A Day of Insightful Discourses

The Forum commenced with an insightful opening remark by Eric LOU, a member of the CamIDF Advisory Committee, setting the tone for the event’s forward-thinking agenda and expressed the impacts of CamIDF and its importance. The keynote address by Norbert KLEIN, an ODC Original Board Member, brought up the critical topic of ‘Cybersecurity for Everyone,’ emphasizing the importance of protecting not just ourselves but also our children in the online world.

The day continued with a series of thought-provoking presentations, including Dr. Elisa OREGLIA’s analysis of Chinese and Western tech flows in Cambodia, which provided a nuanced understanding of the country’s digital ecosystem. Mr. Poren CHIANG, another esteemed member of the CamIDF Advisory Committee, tackled the complex issues surrounding internet governance and censorship, sparking a lively debate among the participants.

Dr. Elisa OREGLIA presented “Studying Chinese and Western Tech Flows in Cambodia”

A highlight of the day was the collaborative hackathon on Child Online Protection and Adolescent Empowerment, facilitated by Mr. Visith HANG and led by a panel of distinguished speakers: Hyeri HYUN, Dixon SIU, Yoneda KENZO sensei, and Paula BELLO. Their collective expertise offered invaluable insights into safeguarding the digital well-being of the younger generation.

Dr. Velislava HILLMAN’s presentation on Data Governance and Enhanced Data Privacy shed light on the imperative of securing personal and educational data in an increasingly interconnected world. The day concluded with Mr. KA Rohasim’s update on the CamIDF’s progress and the Online Harassment Project/Kapeer Team’s latest developments on the Kapeer Project.

Day 2: Deep Dives and Dynamic Dialogues

The second day of the 6th CamIDF began with a reflective session, recapping and exchanging ideas on the previous day’s rich discussions. Ms. Rawon JANG, from the National Information Society Agency (NIA), opened the day’s proceedings with a presentation on Korea’s Open Government Data Policies and the Data Portal (, showcasing the strides made in public data accessibility and transparency.

The forum then shifted focus to the intersection of personal data and technology, with Dixon SIU, Kamthong LEY, and Mengthong SONG presenting on MyData, CheckinMe, and CamDX. Their insights into data ownership and cybersecurity were not only timely but also pivotal for the Cambodian digital landscape.

Mengthong SONG and Kamthong LEY presented CamDX and CheckinMe

Mengthong SONG and Kamthong LEY presented CamDX and CheckinMe

A youthful perspective was brought to the fore with presentations on the Youth Internet Governance Forum 2024 and Cambodia ICT Camp by YIGF Organizing Committee Members, Soklay HENG, Socheata SOKHACHAN, and Haingkheang SOK. Their involvement underscored the Forum’s commitment to nurturing the next generation of digital leaders.

Dr. Velislava HILLMAN and Dixon SIU then led an interactive workshop on Data Privacy, Data Literacy/Skills, and the Datafication of Education. This hands-on session provided participants with practical skills and knowledge, empowering them to navigate the complex world of digital data with confidence.

Mardy SAM AN introduced the attendees to ODC’s Learning Platform and Data Contribution, highlighting the importance of educational resources in the digital age. The Forum also welcomed online contributions from Zaïda RIVAI, who addressed the critical issue of Gender bias in Generative AI, and Paul-Olivier Dehaye, CEO of, who captivated the audience with an Artificial Intelligence Demonstration. As the event drew to a close, Poren CHIANG delivered the closing remarks, encapsulating the spirit of collaboration and innovation that defined the forum. His words were a fitting end to two days of knowledge-sharing and community-building. The impact of the 6th Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum (CamIDF) extends far beyond the two-day event. It has set in motion a ripple effect that promises to transform Cambodia’s digital landscape in profound ways.

Empowering Individuals and Communities

At the individual level, the CamIDF has empowered participants with knowledge and skills that are crucial in the digital age. The discussions on cybersecurity, data privacy, and internet governance have equipped them with the tools to protect their digital identities and navigate the online world more safely and confidently.

Fostering Innovation and Collaboration

The forum has also fostered a spirit of innovation and collaboration. The hackathon on Child Online Protection and Adolescent Empowerment is a prime example of how bringing together diverse minds can lead to creative solutions for complex problems. Such collaborative efforts are essential for driving progress in the ICT sector.

Influencing Policy and Governance

On a larger scale, the insights shared at the CamIDF are likely to influence policy and governance related to ICT in Cambodia. Presentations on Open Government Data Policies and MyData initiatives provide a blueprint for transparency and citizen-centric governance that can be adopted by policymakers.

Bridging the Gender Gap

The CamIDF has also made strides in bridging the gender gap in the ICT sector. By ensuring significant female participation and addressing issues like gender bias in AI, the forum has highlighted the importance of inclusivity in technology.

Educational Advancements

The introduction of ODC’s Learning Platform and Data Contribution by Mardy SAM AN marks a step towards promoting education through technology. This platform can become a cornerstone for self-paced learning and skill development for many Cambodians.

International Collaboration

The participation of international experts like Ms. Rawon JANG, Paul-Olivier Dehaye and many others, both offline and online, underscores the Forum’s role in facilitating international collaboration. Such interactions can lead to cross-border partnerships and knowledge exchange, further enhancing Cambodia’s digital capabilities. We extend our deepest gratitude to the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology – Institute of Digital Research & Innovation for their unwavering partnership. Their commitment and collaboration have been pivotal in the success of our endeavors. Our heartfelt thanks go to the European Union research council for their generous support through the research project Digisilk. Under the able leadership of Dr. Elisa OREGLIA, the project has been a beacon of innovation and excellence.We are immensely thankful to the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), whose guidance and assistance have been invaluable. Their dedication to fostering international enterprise is truly commendable.

Our sincere appreciation is extended to Fujitsu for their support and expertise. Their contributions have significantly enhanced the quality and impact of our work.

Lastly, we express our profound thanks to UNICEF Cambodia for their support and advocacy for children’s rights and well-being. Their involvement has been crucial in amplifying the reach and positive impact of our event.

Together, these partnerships and supports have not only contributed to the success of our event but have also strengthened our resolve to continue our mission. We are deeply honored to have such esteemed supporters by our side. The 6th CamIDF has not only been a gathering of minds but also a catalyst for change. It has sparked conversations that will continue to resonate within the community, inspiring action and innovation. As Cambodia continues to navigate its digital transformation, the principles and ideas fostered at the CamIDF will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping a resilient, inclusive, and progressive digital future.

Dr. Velislava HILLMAN and Norbert KLEIN were having a good conversation during the networking break

Another group photo at the 6th Cambodia ICT and Digital Forum